dash cams

COVID-19 Driving a Dash Cam Boom

Sales of dashcams and other mobile electronics equipment for cars are booming in the Covid pandemic as motorists spend more on new technology and ”creature comforts” because they can’t travel overseas.

Darryl Abotomey, chief executive of ASX-listed Bapcor in Australia, → See More...

Car Dashboard Cameras

A lot of folks are shopping for car dashboard cameras, or dash cams as they are known, so that they can have proof of events as they happen while out driving.

Without a dash cam, how are you going to prove that what you, as the driver, are saying, is the truth?

Dash cams can offer proof of events in road accidents in several ways, such as for instance:

  • Dash cams record the Where (through GPS) the When (time and date are clearly displayed) and therefore the How.
  • Most dash cams have night vision. This prevents fraudulent claims being made against the driver even after they have been driving in the dark.
  • Dash cams typically take prime quality footage, that can be uploaded and saved to a computer, laptop or other device if and when required for insurance or legal purposes.

Car Dash Cam info

In car camera systems with DVR are usually 720P or 1080P and HD (high definition). With a Digital video recorder for your car or any other vehicle, you can capture whatever you can see around you while you are driving. And with such a gadget you’ll never have to look for witnesses if you ever get into an accident — the record will show what really happened!  Car camera video recorders have become so popular, that drivers from all around the world buy them every day. They have seen all the benefits and don’t need convincing.

Most modern car cameras are mounted on your dashboard, windshield, or can be hidden, and can record 360 degrees around your vehicle. There is also an option on many of these DVR cameras for night vision recording and GPS tracking and locating. There are several benefits and advantages to installing an in car video recorder.  You can record whatever you see and upload it online or You Tube if you like.  Car video recorders will let you save all those moments and do as you please with them when they are uploaded at home. If you are vacationing, digital video recorders on your dashboard make an excellent electronic video memory picture album of your trip   But these videos can also be used as evidence in any legal matters concerning accidents or crimes committed, because they record live.

Best Dash CamsDecide which price range you want to pay for your Dashboard Camera or Backup Camera kit. You can get some priced as low as $50, but remember, you get what you pay for. The average price in 2016 for a decent WIRELESS rear view camera and LCD monitor was $100-$250. Most decent backup camera kits come with a wireless monitor included. This is a great feature because it means that you don’t have to buy an additional piece of hardware to use the rear view camera. If you want to do more work and run all of the power and transmit wires, then a cheaper model can be purchased, but most people choose a wireless backup system, especially for larger vehicles and trailers.

One feature that you want to get is a wide view angle camera that is over 100 degrees, which would cover pretty much the entire blind spot area to the back of your vehicle. Do not get a 30-40 degree camera if you can afford a better one, you can easily see more than 40 degrees view with your own eyes, through standard vehicle rear view mirrors. Thirdly, get a good display. LCD monitors are the best and should be included in any decent camera setup kit.

Another important feature to look for is whether the camera kit is waterproof and weatherproof. Being installed on the rear bumper of a car or a boat, even near salt water, is not considered normal usage for most dash cams and so you need to get the right one for your requirements.

Dash Camera

I love mine! I Wish they had dash cams when I was a taxi driver in London, because they would have saved me a lot of grief. I’d definitely have gone for an extra one inside as well, pointing towards the passengers for added safety.

If you are looking for the best dashboard cameras or rear view back up cameras to install on the dashboard or the rear of your car, we have several choices you can review. We would recommend a Dual Dash Cam, to cover both the front and rear of your vehicle.

Dashboard cameras come in a bewildering array of unheard of makes and models. We regularly update a list of the best dash cams, to help you choose one that is perfect for you.

Michael Benwick.


Best Dashboard Cameras

The Best Dashboard Cameras on Amazon!

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Car Scams & Security

Not all car scams involve second-hand car salesmen. This video shows a recent example of a new car scam, a so-called ‘Crash For Cash’ attempt to claim compensation for being hit by a vehicle.  A suspected compensation hunter runs towards a taxi, hurls herself onto its bonnet and appears to play dead in the road.

Dash Camera footage shows the woman sprinting across a junction in Blackpool before she spots the oncoming vehicle and suddenly launches herself in its direction.

(Video: Universal Media Online)

The taxi, a Nissan ENV200, then reversed and the woman can be seen lying motionless on the ground, while another vehicle driving in the other direction just drove around to avoid her.

The Taxi’s driver Christopher Stewart said: “From what I can remember she didn’t really try and jump on it, she just dived straight at the car”.

He also claimed that the woman’s male companion then ran over and raged at him off camera, allegedly threatening to kill him.
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Dash Cams as Car Spyware

We are in an age now where everyone wants to SEE what happened rather than be TOLD what happened!  Cameras are EVERYWHERE, on cell phones, drones, homes, elevators, businesses, churches, in cities at the intersections, and many Police Officers wear body cams on their uniforms.

Dashboard-mounted cameras might seem to be an obvious way to improve the safety of our roads, particularly because they record continuously when the car is in motion without requiring any action that might distract the driver and because they can capture the build-up to an incident as well as the incident itself.

car dash cam recording front

Despite this, the use of dashcams remains lower than you might think, in part because of public perceptions about the legality of Car Dash Cams as car spyware, after several drivers were successfully prosecuted for posting on social media examples of bad driving, road rage and inconsiderate parking.

But the law does not distinguish between dashcams or any other form of camera. As Jeremy Pinnington, co-founder of Open-Eye Security Systems and Installation says, “What you do with the footage is where the legality comes into it.” The law is geared around privacy, which is why videos taken in public areas require the written permission of those depicted if they are to be broadcast.

The simple answer is that they have never not been legal. It’s a camera, same as your phone or what you buy from stores,” he said.

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Car Dash Cams For Security

Car Security Stickers


Dashboard cameras are able to aid Law Enforcement Officers with actual footage of what really happened prior to, during, and even after an incident. Dashboard cameras have also been able to capture natural disasters like tornadoes, hail, lightning strikes and hurricane force winds….  

It’s difficult to see how a dashboard camera can be a bad thing, because it doesn’t require the driver to do anything that would distract them while driving.  They just have to turn it on and start recording at the beginning of their journey.

Some insurers offer lower premiums for drivers who have Dash Cams because they can provide a definitive version of how a collision occurred, or even a theft from the vehicle, saving costly and uncertain litigation to determine what actually happened.

Dash Cams don’t just record video while you are driving.  If you have one powered by a battery, you can also record what happens around your vehicle when it is parked.  Another way to use Car Dash Cams For Security.


A demonstration of the Cellink B, a 12V battery pack that will keep your dash-cam running even when your engine isn’t.

(Video: TechMoan)

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